# Quick Appointment Encounter Workflow Views: 3196
1 System AdminPosted: 09/20/2018 10:47 AM

Here is a quick appointment encounter workflow for new users. It works in the same way for phone and walk-in encounters.

1. Click open a patient appointment in Dashboard > Summary > Today's Visits.

2. Review the patient profile and visit information in the patient header (where you see the patient's photo). Also review the patient summary in the body page.

3. Click "Chief Complaint & HPI" link in the side menu and complete the documentation there. Save and proceed to other sections in the side menu.

4. Click the note icon in the patient header to document the progress note (SOAP) when the encounter documentation is completed. Sign the note when the progress note is done.

5. Go to Superbill to close the encounter so that billing can proceed.

6. Check and adjust the various billable items in Superbill. 

7. Print the Invoice, CMS1500 Form, and/or Visit Summary and give them to your patient.